Date |
Due / Before Class |
In-Class |
Week 1 |
Friday, 8/31 |
- Introductions
- Syllabus Review
- Course Learning Outcomes
- Introduction to key terms
- Journal and discussion
Week 2 |
Friday, 9/7 |
- Review key terms on Purdue Owl site
- Watch “Rhetorical Situation” Video (on BB)
- Respond to BB prompt by noon, 9/6
- Acquire notebook and bring to class from now on
- Journal
- Discuss video
- Discuss Writing Assignment 1: A Source-Based Essay
Week 3 |
Friday, 9/14 |
- Respond to BB prompt by noon, 9/13
- Journal
- Introduction to library databases
Week 4 |
Friday, 9/21 |
- Identify 4 articles that you might use for your Source Based Essay and post PDFs of the article to BB by noon, 9/20
- Write a brief summary of each article on BB by noon, 9/20
- Journal
- Present a rhetorical analysis to the class
- Group work
- Sign up for conference
Week 5 |
Friday 9/28 |
- Post first draft of Source Based Essay by Wednesday, September 26 at 8am
- NO CLASS- individual conferences
Week 6 |
Friday, 10/5 |
- Post final draft of Source Based Essay by 8am, 10/3
- Reflect on Essay 1
- Discuss Writing Assignment 2: An Inquiry-Based Research Essay
- Sign up for small group conferences
Week 7 |
Friday, 10/12 |
- Respond to BB prompt by noon, 10/11
- NO CLASS- small group conferences
Week 8 |
Friday, 10/19 |
- Post Research Proposal by 8am, 10/17
- Create account on CUNY academic commons
- Introduction to CUNY academic commons
- Introduction to portfolio
Week 9 |
Friday, 10/26 |
- Post first draft of Inquiry Based Research Essay by 8am, 10/24
- Peer review
- Troubleshooting
Week 10 |
Friday, 11/2 |
- Post Report on Research in Progress by 8am, 10/31
Week 11 |
Friday, 11/9 |
- Continue working on research
- Reflection essay 2
- Introduce Writing Assignment 3: Composition in Two Genres
Week 12 |
Friday, 11/16 |
- Post final draft of Inquiry Based Research Essay by noon, 11/15
Week 13 |
Friday, 11/23 |
- NO CLASS – Thanksgiving Break
Week 14 |
Friday, 11/30 |
- Post final draft of Composition in Two Genres by 8am, 10/28
- Theory of Writing workshop
Week 15 |
Friday, 12/7 |
- Post final draft of Theory of Writing by noon, 12/6
- Reflection
- Presentations
Week 16 |
12/14 |
Monday, 12/17 |
- Final Portfolio and Theory of Writing due (via CUNY Academic Commons)